The Business Ownership Podcast

User-Friendly Design - Bohdan Paladiychuk

Episode Summary

Discover the magic behind TheQream's success as Bohdan unveils the art of connecting with users, employing both quantitative and qualitative feedback to refine products, and optimizing websites to triple conversion rates. Learn why understanding the psychology behind user experience is crucial and how a 'magic wand' approach to customer feedback can lead to explosive growth. For a fascinating exploration of creativity in marketing, and how it can turn a brand into a memorable experience, tune in to this episode. Bohdan's stories, from rapping in a TikTok video for a top crypto exchange to transforming a company's digital identity, will inspire you to think outside the box and push the boundaries of conventional marketing. Check this out!

Episode Notes

Are you in the tech game? Want to know how to elevate your product's design and user experience? 

In this episode of The Business Ownership Podcast I interviewed Bohdan Paladiychuk. Bohdan is the CEO & Head of Design at Qream. He is blending sharp ideas, passion in psychology, design and technology to create visual communications and digital products that punch through noise and dominate. 

Learn how to create the usser-friendly design & build a brand that not only stands out, but the customers love. Check this out!

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