Wondering how to unleash the power of your story to attract, captivate, and convert prospects into paying clients? In this episode of the Business Ownership Podcast I interviewed Christie Ruffino. Christie is the Founder and President of Dynamic Professional Women's Network, Founder of DPWN Publishing and the CEO of Beautifully Imperfect LLC. She went from a broke single mom to a top-rated podcast host, best-selling author with 15 books, and Profitize Your Purpose™ Coach. She helps entrepreneurs step into the power of their story in business so they can help more people and make more money. Learn how to build a more dynamic brand with the help of your story. Check this out!
Free Gift: https://sociatap.com/christieruffino/
Christie Ruffino LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/createsuccesswithchristie/
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