This podcast episode is about transition and transformation - both of mindset and business. Some people can be afraid of changes and transitions while some might see it as a good opportunity. If you want to be successful, you need to see change as a chance for something new - rather than just fear.
Are you keeping your job thinking "It's not that bad"? Or, have you started a business but you want to level it up, instead of staying stuck?
In this episode of The Business Ownership Podcast I interviewed Dorothy A. Martin-Neville. She is the President & CEO of Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD, LLC. Having formed five companies of her own and supported 1,000s expand, change, or begin their own organizations as well as supported senior executives’ transition while transforming their careers and lives, Dorothy clearly sees through the stories and masks to what is really needed, wanted, and dreamed of. The bottom line of effective leadership begins with purpose, passion, and power. The best strategies and protocols to up-level the business fall apart without the ability to up-level yourself. The person with the 10 person company can not lead a 70 person company. The expectations, personality/employee needs, competitions, variety of positions, and increasing vendor demands, require a far more expanded understanding of personalities, your style of leadership, your vision, culture, and boundaries.
Learn how to transition to success.
Check this out!
Dr. Dorothy A. Martin-Neville LinkedIn:
Dr. Dorothy A. Martin-Neville Website:
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