We try to grow and improve our businesses through many different things, but how many of you work with a business coach that is valuable for your business? Most business owners have no real strategy when marketing their business. Businesses claim they have tried “everything” when it comes to marketing and says, “nothing works.” The reason it doesn’t work is your message. That is why your marketing is costing you money and not making you money. And, this is where the business coach gets in and helps you with creating the right message for your ideal clients, placing the right people into the right roles and much more. In this episode of the Business Ownership Podcast I interviewed Steve Feld. Steve created and owned six high 6-figure businesses, operated 3 other businesses generating anywhere from $20 to $35M in gross revenue. He is an expert in all aspects of change management, operations, business development, marketing, sales, HR, customer service, leadership, and finance with over 30 years of experience in highly competitive industries. In this conversation we discuss some mistakes business owners make but also how to market your business more effectively, so that you start getting a high return on your marketing/advertising investment. He also explained the importance of a business coach when it comes to increasing profit and growing a healthy business. Learn what is the value of business coaching and why it's needed. Check this out!
Steve Feld Website: https://www.bizcoachsteve.com/
Biz Coach & Coffee Podcast on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/es/podcast/biz-coach-coffee/id1598748176
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