Want to create passive income? This podcast episode is about investing in real estate and building wealth. My guest Robin shared advice on how to invest, which mistakes to avoid & how to create passive income. Check this out!
Thinking about investing in real estate? Want to learn more about strategies for investing?
In this episode of the 7-8 Figure Special Series I interviewed Robin Binkley. She is the Co-Founder of Real Equity Investment Partners and Co-Host of a podcast, Ladies Kickin Assets. Robin has a diverse background in Healthcare Administration after spending 24 years working as a Nursing Home Administrator and in the Healthcare field for almost 30 years. Robin’s passion for Real Estate was realized in the early 1990s, but it was not until 2018 that Robin made her first Real Estate Investment. Robin has dove headfirst into Single Family Homes, Multifamily Syndication, International Acquisitions, Developments, and other Passive Income Generating Assets. Today, Robin is a Professional Real Estate Investor with a desire to make positive changes in the world for women. She aspires to assist women in learning about Financial Education and Money Management in the United States and abroad. She is motivated, inspired, and loves sharing her vision with others. It is her greatest desire for women and others to gain financial independence and freedom.
Real Equity Investment Partners Website: https://realequityip.com/
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