The Business Ownership Podcast

Podcast Interview Marketing - Tom Schwab

Episode Summary

My guest Tom and I explore the state of the podcast industry and how it's become a vital tool for businesses aiming to cut through the noise. Tom reveals the power of podcast guesting as a strategy for relationship sales, category design, and professional services, emphasizing the importance of targeting super consumers and utilizing podcasts for meaningful connections rather than mere transactions. Tune in and learn how to make your voice heard in the crowded digital marketplace.

Episode Notes

Trying to find the right podcasts with your ideal audience is time-consuming and frustrating?

In this episode of The business Ownership Podcast I interviewed Tom Schwab. 
Tom believes the best things in life come from conversations. It’s these powerful, sometimes awkward conversations that propel us from where we are personally and professionally to where we dream of being.

As an engineer, a Navy Veteran, and Nuclear Propulsion Plant Operator, Tom thinks differently. Tough Minded, Skeptical, sometimes even Cantankerous, but always technically competent, always thinking – “What if”, is how the head of the Nuclear Navy described it.

As a small business owner and entrepreneur, he understands the unique challenges of business owners. This led him to be an early pioneer of using inbound marketing for eCommerce and targeted podcast interviews for marketing that connects.

Tom is the author of Podcast Guest Profits: Grow Your Business with a Targeted Interview Strategy, called the bible of podcast guesting.

You can get a
•Free Assessment - Will Podcast Interview Marketing Work for Me?
•Free copy of Podcast Guest Profits (physical in the US, digital overseas)
•Discovery Call


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