You need to raise your rates but you're not sure how to do it. Does this make you work long hours to make ends meet? In this episode of the 7-8 Figures Special Series I interviewed Tanya Fox. After starting her first business in 1998 Tanya quickly realized that entrepreneurship was in her soul and would be a lifelong passion. She has owned service, retail and franchise businesses, still running 3 of them today. She spends her days as an EBT (Emergency Business Technician) helping business owners with her 5 step framework to re-passion grow through collaboration, stop trading minutes for money so they can go from wanting to break up with their business to falling in love again. She also records her weekly Fox Talks Business podcast and lives by her tagline; “Remember to HAVE FUN, cause if you aren’t having fun, why are you doing it?!” In this interview we spoke about how to start making more money without investing more of your time in it, when you should exit your business, what are some common mistakes business owners make & more! And... "Just because something is difficult doesn't mean it's bringing more value. " Learn how to make more profit in an easier way. Check this out!
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