With a backstory that includes the high-stakes world of Johns Hopkins Hospital's business side, Justin shares his leap of faith from a secure six-figure job to the thrilling uncertainty of entrepreneurship. His company, Journey to Financial Freedom (JFF), isn't just about crunching numbers and balancing books; it's about addressing the behavioral patterns that often masquerade as financial woes.Justin and Michele Nedelec dive deep into the essence of financial coaching, revealing that true success isn't just about having a solid budget or a profitable P&L statement. It's about aligning beliefs with financial goals and understanding that our behaviors are the offspring of deeply rooted beliefs shaped by our life experiences. This episode is a treasure trove for any business owner looking to break through financial barriers, not by sheer force, but by understanding and adjusting the underlying behaviors and beliefs that dictate financial outcomes. Check it out!
Want to reach your financial goals, but the money somehow slips out of your hands?
In this episode of The Business Ownership Podcast I interviewed Justin Buonomo. He is the CEO & Founder of Journey to Financial Freedom, which does financial coaching and consulting for business owners. Justin and his company help business owners take control of their finances and unlock new levels in their lives and businesses. Justin & JFF are extremely passionate about helping business owners live their dream life that is fueled and funded by their dream business. JFF's slogan is "Money is the tool, freedom is the goal." Justin truthfully believes it is impossible to live your dream life and operate your dream life if you don’t have your money under control.
Learn how to make & save money. Check this out!
Show Links:
Free training on "How To Make & Save More Money" : https://www.group.journeytofinancialfreedom.co/free-masterclass
Free consultation with JFF leadership team member: https://calendly.com/smuhall/journey-to-financial-freedom-stephanie?month=2024-05
Justin on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-buonomo-a4bb56185/
Book a call with Michelle: https://www.AwarenessStrategies.com/m30
Join our Facebook group for business owners to get help or help other business owners! The Business Ownership Group - Secrets to Scaling: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businessownershipsecretstoscaling
Looking to scale your business? Get free gifts here to help you on your way: https://www.awarenessstrategies.com/