When you start your business you're just filled with excitement and ideas and it can feel like the best thing in the world. The obstacles and the objections and the work comes and if you're not deeply connected to the mission of your business it can take you out of the game. But, if your business is built around everything you love and the destiny you are fulfilling with that business, how do you spread the message? How do you get to help more people? In this episode of the Business Ownership Podcast I interviewed Moira Ni Ghallachoir. Moira is a 6-figure business mentor who helps small business owners and entrepreneurs have way to more Sales, Success and Freedom. Her message is clear. When you know how to have the increased profits you yearn for, it fuels a life you love, doing what you love. Moira entered the world of speakers without big expectations yet, became successful very fast. Learn how to build a mission-driven business. Check it out!
Destiny Driven Challenge: https://www.dialinyourdestinychallenge.com/optin-557185871659651467293
7 BIGGEST SPEAKING DISASTERS(AND HOW TO AVOID THEM) FREE: https://www.dialinyourdestinychallenge.com/free-download
Moira's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/moira-n%C3%AD-ghallach%C3%B3ir/?originalSubdomain=ie
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