The Business Ownership Podcast

Intuition and Spirituality - Veronica Drake

Episode Summary

In this enlightening episode of The Business Ownership Podcast, we sit down with Veronica, a master intuitive and transformational business coach. Veronica reveals the power of the 'One Word Method', a unique process that helps women business owners in their second act of life to reconnect with their intuition, reignite their creativity, and break through the financial ceiling that has kept them stuck. With the four words that resonate with every woman - love, security, status, and recognition - Veronica guides us through the process of aligning energy with these words to uncover deep-seated blocks and unleash potential. Don't miss this episode that's sure to resonate with anyone looking to elevate their purpose and passion in business & life.

Episode Notes

Want to find out how to deepen the connection between your purpose and your business?

In this episode of the Business Ownership Podcast I interviewed Veronica Drake. Veronica Drake, Vee as friends call her, is a Master Intuitive with almost two decades of experience helping women make better decisions, live more confidently, be more creative in life and business!

She is a highly recognized international spiritual teacher who holds a Metaphysical degree in Spiritual Counseling. She is a professionally trained Spiritual Life Coach. Veronica is the founder of Going Within, the membership for women who are ready to gain more confidence, clarity and consistency when it comes to business and life. She is also the creator of The One Word Method. A 5 minute intuitive assessment that gets to the root of where women are stuck! As a sought-after Keynote and Motivational Speaker, and frequent radio/podcast guest, her down to earth, relatable approach is a magnet for people of all ages and places. She has been called a ‘life changer’, ‘guardian angel and cheerleader rolled into one’, and ‘coach, intuitive and magician.’
Veronica got her entrepreneurial start in 2009, her business has grown to serve women all over the world. As a Master Intuitive she focuses on serving spiritually curious, ambitious women who are ready to reinvent themselves.

Learn how to use your intuition daily & how to raise your vibration and attract with it. Check this out!

Show Links:

The One Word 5 Minute Assessment:

Veronica Drake Website:

Veronica Drake LinkedIn:

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