Want to improve your presentation skills? In this episode of the Business Ownership Podcast I interviewed David Doerrier. David is the Founder of Present Your Way To Success! & Facilitation Skills Coach. He helps Trainers and Educators convey their message in a logical, structured and polished manner & engage and connect with their audience. Learn how engaging presentations help you improve your trainings or workshops. Check it out!
Book a Free 60-minute Brainstorming Session designed to understand your speaking style, goals, and provide you with some tips and tricks: https://calendly.com/pywtsuccess/air-conversation?month=2022-11
Present Your Way To Success Website: https://presentyourwaytosuccess.com/
David D. Doerrier LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daviddoerrier/
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The Business Ownership Group - Secrets to Scaling: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businessownershipsecretstoscaling
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