Since 2020, entrepreneurs and small/medium business owners have faced unprecedented challenges, including the pandemic, a wildly fluctuating economic landscape, ever-changing work models, and quickly evolving technologies. Did you go digital & not sure where to start or how to continue your business journey? In this episode of the Business Ownership Podcast I interviewed Kâl Salem. He is the Managing Partner of OPEXCELLENCE and a CDAP Digital Advisor. He helps people by developing and delivering IT/Digital Transformation Business Cases, Strategies, Roadmaps, and Delivery Programs. But that's not all. He helps people understand business & leadership trends as well. If you feel anxiety about what to expect in 2023, you're not alone. Putting employees first, utilizing innovative technology to grow your business, and ensuring that team members have the best tools to excel will be keys to success. With that in mind, here are my thoughts on the top seven trends business owners can embrace to excel in 2023. Customer Experience Transformation is a corner stone of your overall digital harmonization journey, Customer experience is a key factor in determining a client's likelihood to close the deal, return to your website, or even recommend you to friends and family. Offering an immersive customer experience is no longer a "wish to have" it is a "must to have" to survive. Learn more about digital transformation trends & how it helps you improve your business & make more money! Check this out!
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