Feeling stuck at 5 or 6 figures? Tired of working long hours, feeling overwhelmed and living in chaos? In this episode of the 7-8 Figure Special Series I interviewed Jen Du Plessis. Jen is the Leading Expert in Building World Class Teams & she helps mortgage loan officers, realtors, and entrepreneurs grow their businesses while maintaining the lifestyle they’ve always dreamed of! Jen helps people hire, onboard and create expert business teams that can help you get more free time, scale to 7 or 8 figures and have the ability to work on your business instead in it. Jen is also the host of 2 podcasts, keynote speaker & a mastermind leader. Learn how to create a world class team for your business & breakthrough to your next level. Check this out!
Jen Du Plessis Website: https://jenduplessis.com/
Text "Jen" on 26786
Jen Du Plessis LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenduplessis/
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