Wondering how to create unique videos & content that can help you stand out? In this episode of the Business Ownership Podcast I interviewed Stefan Zavalin. He is the Chief Creative Officer (CCO) or as he likes to say, The Professional Unicorn. He can help you & create clips that can make you stand out from the competition, that can allow audience to meet you and gain emotions that help in sales. There is a simple sequence to create unique content that stands out. The easy answer, is that it is all about YOU. You are the only thing that cannot be copied by another business. The more you combine your humanity with both your business and your content, the harder it will be for others to compete with you. This episode will tackle the idea of creativity, communication, and branding to help position you as the only person that can create your type of content. Learn how to create unique videos! Check this out!
Stefan Zavalin Website: https://www.stefanzavalin.com/
Stefan Zavalin LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stefan-zavalin/
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