The Business Ownership Podcast

Community Building in Business - Isar Meitis 7-8 Figure Special Series

Episode Summary

Relationships play a huge role in the growth of a B2B business, and it impacts both direct and indirect growth, BUT as a business leader, you do not have enough time to nurture all these relationships. Do you have or need a process in place to maximize the effectiveness of your relationship-building time? In this episode of the 7-8 Figure Special Series I interviewed Isar Meitis. He is a 3 time CEO, serial entrepreneur, former F16 pilot (Major), investor, advisory board member, startup and small business mentor, speaker and, host of the Leveraging AI podcast. Isar believes that the core of a good business are good people & a good business strategy. Good people means building a good community around your business. Having a vibrant community is proven to reduce acquisition costs, increase LTV, lower churn, drive referrals, etc. So, if you are wondering, how to build such community in your business... check this out!

Episode Notes

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Business Growth Accelerator Podcast:

Leveraging AI Podcast:

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