The Business Ownership Podcast

Become a Professional Speaker - Laurie-Ann Murabito

Episode Summary

This episode is about professional speaking and the opportunities that it may bring. Guest of this episode is a professional speaker & she was talking about how to craft a story that would resonate with audience.

Episode Notes

Want to learn how to craft your story & become a professional speaker? 

In this episode of The Business Ownership Podcast I interviewed Laurie-Ann Murabito. She is a Speaking Coach and Business Strategist . Laurie-Ann is also the host of Be In Demand Podcast & a speaker. She spoke about fear that stops people from starting their speaking career, how to overcome it & why is it so good to become a speaker. Not only you can increase your visibility, but you can also increase your income and grow your business more easily. And, you can help a ton of people who may resonate with your story!

Learn how to become a professional speaker & get seen, heard and sign on the right clients.

Check this out!

Be in Demand Podcast:

Speak and Stand Out Website:

Laurie-Ann LinkedIn:

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