In this episode of The Business Ownership Podcast, dive into the dynamic world of audiobooks with filmmaker and sound production expert, Michael Clogs. As the landscape of literature evolves, audiobooks emerge as a powerful medium for authors to connect with audiences. Michael shares his transition from award-winning documentaries to creating compelling audiobooks, revealing the intricacies of voice coaching, the importance of emotive storytelling, and the strategic approach to script planning. Discover why AI-generated audio might not be the golden ticket on platforms like Amazon and why the human touch still reigns supreme in the realm of spoken word. Tune in and get inspired to give voice to your own narrative. Check this out!
Have you written a short story, novella or book and want to take it further?
In this episode of The Business Ownership Podcast I interviewed Michael Clogs. He is an award-winning filmmaker and sound production expert, who has recently turned his attention to the burgeoning field of audiobooks. Michael is the Corporate Director at Depictions Media. Michael, with his filmmaker's insight, explains why the human touch in audiobook production is irreplaceable. The episode is peppered with anecdotes and behind-the-scenes glimpses of the audiobook industry, making it not just informative but also thoroughly entertaining. From voice coaching to scripting, the process of creating an audiobook is dissected, revealing the artistry and technical expertise involved.
Learn how to create an audiobook & reach new audience. Check this out!
Audiobooks - Depictions Media Website:
Michael Clogs LinkedIn:
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