The Business Ownership Podcast

Anti-CRM for Sales - Reuben Swartz

Episode Summary

Many people love serving clients, but hate the sales (and marketing, and networking) aspect of business development. In this episode, Reuben Swartz, who spent years as a sales and marketing consultant to Fortune 500 firms, while struggling with his own sales and marketing, outlines a simple approach that makes business development easier, more fun, and more effective.

Episode Notes

Traditional CRMs are too complex and require people working on it for you? Want something more simple yet effective?

In this episode of The Business Ownership Podcast I interviewed Reuben Swartz. He is the Founder of Mimiran CRM, simple system that can replace many other tools. It works great for small professional services firms (consultants, coaches, lawyers, etc), where you have to have conversations with prospects. Reuben was talking about conversation with prospects and how big part they play in sales. If you aren't following up with your past clients, current clients, prospects or others - your chances to make a sale drop a lot. That's why he created a simple CRM that makes it easy to start conversations, follow up & boost your sales without being salesy.

Learn more about Anti-CRM that helps boosting sales!

Check this out!

Mimiran Website:

Reuben Swartz LinkedIn:

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